It’s all plain sailing from here with this fantastic Ultrasonic Hatch Cover Tester solution

A quick, effective evaluation of cargo hold hatch covers and door seals to determine water leaks and weather tightness.

  • ABS type approved and accepted by P & I clubs
  • Quick and effective evaluation capability
  • Powerful, adjustable transmitter with 19 ultrasound emitters
  • Locating leaky areas with pinpoint accuracy
  • Inspections can be carried out with cargo in place
  • Can be used in sub zero temperatures
  • Eco-friendly – can be used in place of hose testing
  • Lightweight – can be hand-carried onto aircraft.

Effective, Versatile and Practical Solution

Ideal For Use In

Cargo Hatch Covers

Water Tight Doors

Hold Access Covers

Yacht & Boat Hatches

Water Tight Seals

One of the best, rugged, accurate and easy to use Thickness Meters that operators always feel good about. We have also used Cygnus Dive and Cygnus 1Ex Certified equipment for many projects along with other models as they were launches over the years and were fully satisfied with the performance. We must be having 12 Cygnus Units in our region and operators are so use to them that they dont like any other units.
Reliable, Robust, Accurate. One of the very best suppliers of quality performing Ultrasonic Test Instruments in the world.
Have used Cygnus Instruments for many years now. They truly are the masters of Ultrasonic Instrumentation. Cygnus always go the extra mile to ensure their customers are well supported and they don't hesitate to recommend or provide advice when required. There is only one company that I will trust with my measurements and that's Cygnus Instruments. Keep up the excellent work everyone. Best regards Machine Dynamics Ltd.